

NOTE:这是我平生接触到的第二篇米妙文,是两年前在日站搜索一部英国作品时进入了这个网站,当时对BL或米妙根本没有概念,只是知道这两人是SAINT SEIYA中的人物,因此可以想象这篇文当时带给我什么样的冲击,(可能大多数同人女都是看粮食文平稳过渡的,而我…)。现在有的SM文早已超越了这个,但我仍然对这篇文情有独钟,因为之前介绍过N多日文,但没有一篇是完整翻译的,今天翻译出来只是为了让大家了解一下。并无恶意。此文已获得日站真幸小姐的授权。






“米,米罗,别… “

“呜… “

刚喘过气来的卡妙再也没法站稳,他倒下去, 被米罗接住放在地上。

“啊… “


“啊… “
在这种完全强迫性的交合下,卡妙几乎躺在自己的泪水中了。米罗一次又一次在他身体里射精,最后在他离开的同时,卡妙自身的体液也涌出来,完全是过激的生理反应。米罗在离开他的身体后,用自己的唇触碰了卡妙的下体,之后毫不犹豫地含住他的欲望。“啊,米罗… ”卡妙已经没有力气的双腕揪住米罗的头发,这种刺激的感觉让他的双膝发颤,尤其是被野蛮地侵犯过后,这种感觉是不可想象的。米罗饮下卡妙在他口中释放的液体,之后又不知疲倦地重复他的动作,卡妙感觉到自己的双脚和双膝已经没有了一点感觉,米罗扶着他坐了起来,身体仿佛被榨空了一样,刚才短暂的快感过后身体留下的是有如针刺般的钝痛。卡妙在调整呼息的同时发现屋里只剩下他一人了。米罗走之前把他放到了床上。卡妙拿起已经被撕成破布的衣服,用它擦去下体残留的两人的体液,及下肢的血迹。他还是无法起来,全身的疼痛折磨着他,一动也不能动。



之前在露上发过汉语版的,今天又心血来潮翻了个英文的,作者是日站的真幸小姐,也是我的朋友,有授权。By Mayuki


“?”Camus was searching Milo in the crowd.

Taurus Aldebaran’s training room was certainly spacious, for the celebration of his recovery from a serious illness, Milo and Camus also took part into this party.

All people around them were busy with chatting and eating, the room was in a rather chaos. Camus turned and saw the showy blond head, since there were few candidate trainees with golden hair, it was obvious.

“Camus” Milo saw him.

“Milo” Camus said with a slightful delight. Milo caught his wrist:”follow me.” By a short word, Camus felt his wrist was caught with force, although a littlee Astonished, he still followed Milo without any resistance out of the room. Milo brought him down the corridor, Camus began to strugglee.

“Milo, what’s wrong?”

Camus was very surpised for Milo’s action without any explanation, although he had asked him, he was still in silence.

“follow me.”
For the first time Milo was scanty for words, yet he didn’t stop.

They were far from the noisy house and it was quite quiet in the corridor.

There was a small door in the right corner.


Without answeringn him, Milo pushed the door open.

There was a man in middle-age in the room, apparently he was one of the participators for the party.

“Maybe Milo didn’t know someone was here,” Camus thought. Milo was still expressionless.

Camus wanted to meet someone he knew, pity there were none.

“you too come here for a sit?” Not sure whom the man was talking to, Milo didn’t answer.

The man smiled and went for the party room.

“Milo?” as the man disappeared, Camus felt he was dragging into the room and protested.
Meantime he saw the narrow room was gloomy and clean somehow.


Not caring his protest, Milo still dragged him into the room, and then locked the door from inside.

“What are you going to``` “ Without finishing his sentence, Milo kissed him and their tongue entangled.

“hum.”Camus felt his body constrainted, he wanted to push Milo away, Milo’s hand touched his underpart.

“Milo” Camus struggled with panic.

“What are you doing?”

“ I have been desiring you for a long time, I can’t wait anymore, today will be the day.”
Milo eventually spoke after long silence.

“I want you, Camus.”

The two’s breaths mixed and Camus’s clothes was torn apart although his resistance.

Milo pressed him against the wall, covered his mouth by hand for fear of his sounding, although Camus’s body was resisting alien, Milo still inserted into him.

“AH”, Camus moaned despite his blocked mouth, he bite lips hard.

Milo was immune to Camus’s grief, he withdrew his hand from Camus’ mouth, but Camus couldn’t give out any sound due to impact, Milo began to accelerate his rhythm by fixing Camus’struggling body.

“Milo, please, no```”Camus pleaded with all his strength, Milo didn’t listen to him at all, and inserted him more deeply for his own desire, Camus felt he was going to collapse under the weight.

“ah”, Camus’s underpart was torn apart and the blood run down his thighs, though felt Camus’ blood dropping on his feet, Milo still didn’t stop his action.

“Camus, Camus```” Milo repeated his name, he finally left after tortured him and release in his body.

Camus, who had just caught his breath, couldn’t stand anymore, he collapsed and was put on the ground by Milo.

The half-faint Camus seemed to be weeping, he couldn’t think through about his being raped.
Milo inserted into him once more, he stabbed hard to fully feel the pleasure and reached the deepest part of Camus.

“AH```” Camus’s suffering moaning didn’t gain sympathy from Milo at all, on the very contrary it enhanced Milo’s brutal action.

“Camus, Camus” Milo shouted his name while accelerated, not a bit of his grief.
“AH… “ Under this brutal sexual relation, Camus almost bathing in his tears. Milo released several times in time and when he left, Camus’s own sperm also spilled due to physiological reaction. Milo touched his underpart and then bit his member without hesitation.

“Milo``` “ Camus caught Milo’s hair by his hands without strength, this provocative feeling made his knees weaker than ever and was hard to imagine especially after being brutally raped.
Milo swallowed Camus’released fluid without tiredness and finally helped him up, Camus felt his body sore if had been stung by needles. After adjusting breath, Camus found he was with himself in the room, Milo had put him in bed before leaving. Camus took his torn clothes and cleaned the fluid and blook of his underpart by it. He still couldn’t get up, the sore body tortured him and disabled his action.

Camus lay there as a broken-and-deserted doll, tears run down his face, did Milo’s action just for bringing him so much hurt? He couldn’t think through.
